The Online Web Registration Form - An Overview

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The Web Registration Form is for use by NEW customers to create an account, provide family data, enroll into classes, agree to policies, and provide payment information. You control what options are available for online registration/enrollment. This form is for online use; for example: on your website, your Facebook page, or in an email blast as a link. The Web Registration Form is responsive which means it is mobile friendly for use on tablets and cell phones.

Note: We recommend you download, print, and review Online Registration Form - Checklist for a Successful Rollout.

Do not put a live link to your Web Registration Form on your website until you have fully set up the form and tested it as shown in the Set Up pages in this section.

What is the Web Registration Form?

The Web Registration form, customized by you, captures all necessary "new customer" information for a successful online registration. The one page form can accommodate multiple students and multiple class selections on one submittal.  It includes your legal policies and payment requirements and handles automatic email notifications.  

The Web Registration Form can allow enrollment into specific classes, and can also post Registration and/or Tuition fees if desired. Within seconds of being submitted, an email notification is sent to your organization and to your customer with the details of the registration.

Online Registration provides convenience for your new customers to register/enroll via your website, at any time, day or night, and because your customers are completing the registration process themselves, your staff is free to carry out other tasks.

The Related Articles below will walk you through setting up (customizing) your Web Registration Form, linking it to your website, tracking registrations, and more.
