Parent Portal Enrollment FAQ


Can a Drop be scheduled in the Portal?
No, Drops must be handled by you or your staff inside the database.
Can a student enroll but start at a later/future date?
Once the Class Start Date has passed, any online enrollment will enroll the student into the existing class immediately. Future enrolls must be handled by you or your staff inside the database.
How can I limit who is eligible to enroll based on prerequisite or skill level?
Jackrabbit does not have the ability to limit enrollment based on a skill, prerequisite, or other class completion criteria.
How can I limit who is eligible to enroll based on age or gender?
Go to Tools>Online Web Registration>Settings and scroll down to 'Class Search/Filter Settings' and turn on Age or Gender filters. Age is calculated as of the Class Cutoff Date or Class Start Date, and the Class must have both a minimum and maximum...
Can I prevent bad-paying customers from enrolling?
Yes. Set a bad-paying customer as a Problem Account by going to the Summary tab on their  Family page and checking the Problem Account checkbox and save changes.  Next, go to Tools > Parent Portal > Settings and in the Class Enrollment Settin...
If a class is full, can a student get onto the Waitlist from the Portal?
Yes.  If you want to allow this option, go to Tools > Online Web Registration > Settings.   Scroll down to the 'Class Search Settings' section and set 'Allow Waitlist When Class Full' to YES and Save Changes.
My family in Loc ABC could not enroll into a class at Loc XYZ. Why not?
If you want to allow families to enroll into classes at any location, go to Tools > Parent Portal > Settings tab.  In the Class Enrollment Settings area, check the box for 'Allow enrollment at any location' and Save Changes.
How can I have waitlisters affect the availability (# of openings) in a class?
Go to Tools>Online Web Registration>Settings  and scroll down to the Class Openings section, and choose which ones you want to be taken into consideration for the system to calculate how many openings are available for online enrollments.  Jackrabb...
Why can't I have the system post a REGISTRATION Fee during a portal enrollment?
Registration fees (also called Annual Fees, Session fees, semester fees, etc) are initially posted/charged upon a customer's first registration with your organization (when they registered for the very first time).  Subsequent or renewal Annual Fees...
We get an individual confirmation for each class enrollment. Can't we just receive ONE per family?
Unlike the Registration Form, each class enrollment in the Portal is an individual submission.  There is not a way to consolidate multi-class enrollments into a single email confirmation. 
Will the class Instructor be emailed when someone enrolls online into their class?
Yes, if you have that setting turned on. Reference the Send Enrollment Email to Instructors section from the Getting Started Guide. 
There is a comment field that can be required during class enrollment in the Parent Portal; where can I see what the customer entered there?
The information a parent enters in the comments field during class enrollment in the Portal are shown in three places: The email notification sent to your Organization for Portal enrollments will include this information. From the Family record...