Reports FAQ


What causes blank search results?
If a report returns blank results, check to ensure that you do not have a blank field in Tools > Edit Settings > Drop-down Lists . Additionally, it is very important that you do not delete or edit a Drop-down Field. Check to be sure that the search...
Can Jackrabbit memorize reports used repeatedly?
As a time-saver, Jackrabbit can create favorites for many of our reports. After selecting criteria, click the Favorites button to create a favorite name for future use. See Favorites (Report Criteria Templates). ...
Can I sort reports by column heading?
Yes. Click a column heading on any report to 're-sort' the information. If the Show All button is present, be sure to click it before a column heading. This will ensure that all 'pages' of information are sorted. It is also possible to sort data a...
Which reports provide tax details?
The Transaction Listing Report and the Paid Fees Summary provide tax details.
Why do I not see an Export button on the report I generated?
The ability for a user to export information is controlled by the Export Grid Information user permission located in the General category. Please speak to your Jackrabbit system administrator about having that permission added. ...
Why do I not see a Print button on the report I generated?
The ability for a user to print information is controlled by the Print Grid Information user permission located in the General category. Please speak to your Jackrabbit system administrator about having that permission added. ...
How do I stop my pop-up blocker from preventing reports from displaying?
Hold down the CTRL (Control) key while clicking Submit to prevent a pop-up blocker.
What is a PDF file? Why won't PDF files load on my computer?
PDF (Portable Document Format) is the global standard for sharing files. To view / print PDF files, PDF reader software is required. This software typically is pre-loaded on computers but if you do not have a reader installed there are many readers ...
Why is the statement address incorrect for the family?
Ensure that the contact with the correct billing address has Billing Contact=Yes and has a full address listed.
We have multiple locations and the business address is not the correct location's address on our statement / invoice.
To ensure that the specific location address displays on the statement / invoice, add a specific location address using Tools> Edit Settings > Locations . Click the View link to bring up the Edit Location window.  Add an address and Save .  ...
Printed labels for mailing statements / invoices are skewing / off.
If your labels are not aligning you may need to adjust the page handling options. The options vary between PDF readers. You may need to set "Page Scaling = None", use "Custom Scale = 100%", or turn off "Fit to Page".
How do I show the current balance on a statement / invoice?
Set Show Current Balance  to Yes to display the family / account current balance on the statement.
Why isn't there a tax column on my statement?
This is a setting in Tools > Edit Settings > Statements . You'll want to make sure that Show Tax on Statement  is set to Yes  and Save Changes.
How do we print or email year end statements for our customers?
Your Jackrabbit database has a pre-defined favorite which is your starting point for creating printed and/or emailed statements of fully and partially paid fees for tax purposes. See Year End Tax Statements for more detail. Time Saver! Mass e...
Is there a report that shows the families who have spent the most money with us? Our top customers?
You can report on your top customers using SearchTransactions from the Transactions menu. Define a date range you would like to see your top spending families for and then use the Special Search criteria Top 250 Customers By Date Range .  Th...