Assign PINs to Existing Contacts and Staff (Step 4)

Before assigning PINs to existing contacts and staff, configure your Organizational Clock Settings

Be sure to set Automatically assign PINs to Yes if you want them to auto-assign going forward.  Choose a Starting PIN to keep your PINs consecutive as new contacts and staff are added. If you prefer, you can manually create PINs for each staff member and contact. See PINs and Student Pickups.

PINs that are automatically assigned have a limit of no more than 6 characters. If PINs are created manually, a new PIN or edited PIN has a limit of no more than 12 characters. PINs are most commonly used as a combination of 4-6 numbers.

The Support team can assign PINs to Contacts and Staff already entered into Jackrabbit. Please use the ? icon button to request either Contacts, Staff or both be assigned PINs. 

PIN codes cannot be imported into Jackrabbit. You can reuse the same PIN codes from another system by entering them individually using the Manage PIN button on the Contact page or the Edit button on the Staff's Summary tab.