Import Data - FAQs


How do I export my data OUT of my current software program?
That depends on the software you are currently using. We have export steps for many software programs; some are as basic as sending us the  root files, and some involve you running reports to get the data out.  Email us the name of your current soft...
Where do I send my files?
Attach your file(s) to an email and send it to us at . Make sure to include your full name and your organization's name, so that we will know who the data belongs to and which database to upload it into. If your file size...
Can I send my Mailing List or Registration Form for uploading?
No. We can only work with spreadsheet data (rows and columns). See the Data Requirements for Import article. 
The import service is free, correct?
We offer the basic start-up import of your family and student data for FREE, provided your files are sent in a suitable format. Because converting and uploading your data is a time consuming and laborious process, we ask that your data be clean and ...
How long does it take for you to import my data?
For first time imports, we request up to two business days from the time we receive your files. This gives us time to convert the files to excel if needed, format the data into our own Importer spreadsheet, and upload it into the system. For "re-imp...
How will I know when my import is finished? And what to do after it is in?
We will send you an email once the import is complete. It will contain the next steps for you to take in your database. Please review your imported data carefully. If we have to re-do an import and you have already made updates to your imported data...
Is there anything I can do while I am waiting on my import to complete?
Yes, you can read the " Getting Started Guide " and begin to make certain updates to Jackrabbit such as creating all your Drop-Down values (if you sent us your class data to be imported and it contained the Session, Location, or Category values, you...
I don't have an existing spreadsheet of my data. Do you have a recommended or sample spreadsheet that I can use?
If you are using another software program, you will send the root files or reports from that system (see first FAQ above). If you are currently using "pen and paper", then yes, we have an Excel spreadsheet that you can fill out and return to us. In ...
Can I import my data myself?
Yes, you can. Follow the instructions in the FAQ above and fill out our Importer Spreadsheet. Save the file, then, back on Tools > Import Data, browse for your file and import it. Our Importer is often very finicky, so if you get any errors, please ...
Can family data be imported directly into the Lead File?
No. Our import system can only place family data in your main Jackrabbit database. However, after an import, you can use the Lead File Mass Archive and select the "Imported on" date to quickly mass move that group of families from your main database...
Do you import any financial data?
The only financial data we can import is a current family balance. One carry-over transaction will be created - please note a positive number indicates amount OWED, a negative number is a credit. This balance must be a part of your family informatio...
If our files don't contain the current family balance, how do I get this information into each family?
If your file doesn't contain the current family balance, you can enter this information manually for all families that have either a debit or credit sitting on their account at the time you begin using Jackrabbit. To create these in Jackrabbit, go t...
We use UK date format of dd/mm - is that a problem?
Jackrabbit uses the US format of mm/dd. We should be able to convert the dates into US format for you. Realize that inside your database, all dates will be presented in US format of mm/dd/yyyy. If we have trouble converting your dates we will let yo...
What if I have several Locations, each with a different file? Is there a charge for multiple files due to multiple Locations?
We will import each Location file for free. Make sure you let us know which file belongs in which Location. 
What if we import during a Free Trial, and by the time we purchase Jackrabbit, our current data has significantly changed?
We can "delete out" the previously imported data. Then you can send us updated files, and we will import those as part of our free import service. 
After the import is complete, can I send another file that can add more information to the families that were previously imported?
No, the import system can only create NEW families; it is not able to edit families that are already in your database. An option would be to delete out the previous import completely and start over with the additional data included in your file. ...
Do I have to import my new families every month?
No, Importing is only a "starting" service for new clients to get your current data into Jackrabbit quickly. Once you are using Jackrabbit, additional new families will be added directly - either by you/your staff using Families>Quick Registration o...
I used the Import spreadsheet to import my Skills but nothing imported - what could be wrong?
The most likely reason there is a problem importing data from your spreadsheet is there may be an issue with the way the original data is formatted. Make sure that all the Skills you are importing have unique names. If there is already a Skill in y...
Can the Skills be imported directly into my classes or students?
No, but after the Skills are imported, you can then easily add them to their specific classes by using Students > Skills/Levels Add to Classes .