Events Online FAQ


Can I use html tags in Class Name, Class Description, Event Name, etc?
No. Because Jackrabbit is web-based, we strongly oppose the use of html tags in any data fields.  It has potential to cause severe issues within the application.
What and where is my Org ID?
Each database has a unique 5 or 6 digit organizational identification number, called an Org ID.  Go to Tools > My Account or Tools > Online Web Registration and it is shown in blue.
How do I install the Event Calendar onto my website?
By inserting one line of HTML code into your website editor.  Follow the instructions on the Link to Your Online Event page.
My Event isn't showing up on the online calendar - why not?
On the Event Type Summary tab, make sure "Display on Website?" is set to either "Open Dates Only" or "Open and Booked Dates", and that the Status of each individual event is either Open, Unavailable, or Notice. Also make sure the Event date is a fut...
How do I make each Event Type a different color on the Calendar?
Go to the Events (menu) > List Event Types  and click on the Event Type you would like to modify.  On the Summary  (tab) scroll down to the Display on Calendar  (section). There, click the crayon icon to assign a color for that Event Type . ...
How do I post a general announcement on a specific day?
Assign that Event (on the Day/Time tab) a Status = Notice, and it will appear as a text phrase only (no registration link). Additional instructions are found on our Event Notices page. ...
There is a text box called "Additional Information" on the online Event Registration form. If a customer enters comments here, where do those comments show up ?
Information that the parent types into the Event "Additional Information" text box on the Event Web form will be shown in the notification email that your Organization receives.  You can also see it by looking at the original Event registration -- o...
My Events are not showing up as an option inside our Parent Portal - why not?
Go to Tools > Parent Portal > Settings  page, and in the left side menu, checkmark the box for Event Registration. Save.
How can I have a calendar showing only a specific group of Events?
You can show a Calendar featuring only specific Event Types, specific Category 1, or specific Location code.  See the Filter Your Online Event Calendar page. ...
My website editor is a Content Management System (CMS) that uses "plug-ins". What do I do?
Plug-ins aren't used.  You will link to the Event Calendar using the link code, or, toggle your webpage editor to the HTML "mode" or "source" and input the hard coded link there.  See the Link to Your Online Event page for the link code. ...
I need an API (Application Programming Interface) for Events.
Jackrabbit doesn't offer an API or web service allowing programmatic access to your database for Events. Jackrabbit does offer a JSON API for classes -  see the information for web developers at the bottom of the Class Listings Tables page. ...
I need help with the Event links and codes shown here
Our Integration Specialist can assist you or your webmaster with the Jackrabbit codes.  See the Integration Assistance page.
I want the birthday child's family to register for the birthday party event but I also want the kids attending the party to have to register so I can capture their agreements to our this possible?
Using the Events Online module you can set up your birthday party events in such a way that your family reserves the spot for the birthday party date/time and the kids attending the party will register for that particular party. This allows you to h...