Family FAQ


How is a family's Location value determined?
A family's Location is determined during registration and is stored on the Summary tab of their Family record. For registrations done from within Jackrabbit, the Location for the family is selected by the User during Quick Registration or A...
Can Jackrabbit split billing between two contacts or allow for billing two credit cards in one family?
Jackrabbit Care allows you to split billing between 2 or more parties. See 3rd Party Agency and Split Family Billing for more information.  While Jackrabbit cannot split billing between contacts within a family, you are able to maintain up to thr...
What does Prospect on the Family Misc tab mean?
Some businesses find it useful to mark families as Prospects for tracking purposes.
Can I mass delete information that is filled in under a Family's User-defined fields?
Yes, you can mass delete the User-defined fields (UDF) for ALL Families at once from the Families menu > Clear UDF Answers .  User Permissions The User ID must have this permission under Families to process a mass delete:  Clear Family User ...
How can we merge duplicated families?
A user that has the Merge Families/Accounts permission is able to merge two family records. See Merge Duplicate Family Records for more information. ...
Will a family in the Lead File be found by Jackrabbit's family duplicate detection when they re-register?
Families located in your Lead File are not searched in the duplicate detection. If a family that you have archived to the Lead File registers again with you online, Jackrabbit will not detect them as a duplicate and a new family record will be creat...
How can I view / print a family's registration? How can I view / print a registration to show a parent they e-signed our policies?
If the parent registered via the portal or web registration and provided an email address, a copy of the registration is kept as history in Jackrabbit. View past registrations by going to the specific Family Record: Misc. tab. Click View Registra...
When I register a family using Families > Quick Registration/Add Family, there is no option to sign our agreement text (legalese). Why?
When  you use Families > Quick Registration/Add Family to register a new family, no legalese is provided with  "I Have Read & Agree" checkboxes because this would not adhere to the eSignature Act of 2000.  Only the person enrolling can check and e...
On the Family Misc tab, in the "Notes" box, can the text we enter here be seen by the family in their portal?
Anything entered in the   Notes field on the  Misc tab of the Family record is private and is NOT viewable in their Parent Portal. 
How can I prove a family accepted our agreement text (legalese)? Where is their e-Signature located?
If your agreement text was signed via web registration or the Parent Portal, their eSignature is located in the Family's Misc tab. Click the View Registrations button. Click the View l ink next to the registration in question.   The eSig...
How can I see a family's entire transaction history?
By default only the last 20 transactions display in the Transactions tab, however, you can click the View Transaction History button to see all of the family's transactions.                                     ...
Is it possible to flag a delinquent account?
In the Family record, on the Summary tab, you can designate a family as a "Problem Account" and specify the reason in the Notes field on the Misc. tab.  When set to yes, the Problem Account label turns red, and within Global Search, this ...
I merged the wrong 2 family accounts, how can I undo this?
If you discover that you made  an error when merging 2 family accounts, please submit a Support Ticket through your database with the account names and IDs for the records affected. Our Support Team will be able to un-merge the records for you. To ...