You are able to process credit card voids and refunds from within Jackrabbit!
When you are set up for ePayments in Jackrabbit, clicking the R on the payment line of a credit card payment will send the refund/void transaction to the gateway and it will be settled to the credit card. The transaction will also be recorded in the family's account with the transaction ID from the merchant processor added to a link in the ePmt column.
UK Voids & Refunds
At this time, customers in the United Kingdom cannot process a refund directly through Jackrabbit. You will see an alert after clicking the R icon on an ePayment. Use your Virtual Terminal to process the refund and then click the 'R' button to record the refund transaction in Jackrabbit.
Setting the right permissions for your Users to refund and void ePayments is very important!
Click this link to review User Permissions Required to Refund or Void an ePayment.