Class Settings

Default class settings for your organization are edited from the Tools menu > Edit Settings. At the top of the page that opens, you'll see a section named Organization Defaults. These settings can also be accessed from the Organization Defaults item on the left menu.  Scroll down for the Class Settings section.

Send Enrollment Email to Instructors

Setting this to Yes will have an email confirmation automatically sent to the primary instructor whenever a student is enrolled into a class through Online Registration or through the Parent Portal. When enrolling a student from within the database you will be prompted with an option to email the instructor. If the Send Enrollment Email to Instructors setting = No you will not see the prompt to email when enrolling from within the database and no emails will be generated for online and portal enrollments.

Calculate Class Duration

This setting controls whether or not the Duration field on the Class Summary tab is automatically calculated when the times are entered. Set this to No if you want to manually complete that field, for example, to set this to 1 and count the class as one unit regardless of the length of the class. 

Warn if enrolling students outside of age range

Set Warn if enrolling students outside of age range to Yes to provide a pop-up warning for a Jackrabbit User when a student is being enrolled into a class that is outside the min / max age range.

Prompt to update Fixed Fee with enrollment changes

When a family or student has a Fixed Fee in place Jackrabbit can alert you when a change is made to enrollment so that you can update the Fixed Fee. Set Prompt to updated Fixed Fee with enrollment changes to Yes to be alerted that the student being enrolled has a student &/or a family Fixed Fee and to have the option to adjust the fees.

Fixed Fees are only available if your database is set to Class Based Billing. Learn more about Fixed Fees in the Fixed Fees (Tuition) section.