Parent Portal Policies and Payments FAQ


My legal policies (Agreement Texts) aren't showing up inside the Portal.
Create or edit your legal policies in Tools > Online Web Registration > Agreement Text (Legalese).   Your families can view your policies in the Portal by navigating to Billing & Payments on the menu and selecting the Policies icon.  To require...
How do I require all my current customers to sign/agree/re-agree to some new policies that we just added?
Go to Tools > Parent Portal > Settings > Family/Student Information  and enter a date in the Policies Agreement Date box field that is the date you revised your policies.  For more detailed information refer to   Legal Policies and the Parent Port...
Can my families PAY me online?
If you have both the Parent Portal  and ePayments set up, your customers can log into their portal and submit a payment to you. It will travel through your Gateway to your Merchant account, just as your internal database ePayments do, and it wi...
The "Make a Payment" button is missing from our Portal's "Fees and Payments" tab. Where is it?
The Make a Payment button shows up AUTOMATICALLY when these two things are true: You are connected to ePayments through one of our gateway providers. Make Payments setting in your Parent Portal Settings tab under Fees & Payments is chec...
Can my customers pay online via Square?
It is not possible for your customers to pay via Square. Square (Square Market) doesn't allow payment through your website nor a 3rd party website. Square does not integrate with other systems. This information can be found on Square's API webpage...