Linking Fees and Payments FAQ


What does 'unapplied', 'unlinked', and or 'uncategorized' mean in Jackrabbit?
These terms are used to indicate when a payment and a fee are not linked with a Category 1 . Jackrabbit relies on linking fees and payments to ensure accurate revenue reporting. Fees are assigned Category 1 names; and when payments are made, the ...
What does an unlinked fee look like?
A fee that is unpaid and has no payment linked to it displays a pink Date Paid field in the family Transactions  tab. This field will remain pink until the fee is completely paid. ...
What does an unapplied payment look like?
A payment that has not been applied (linked) to any fee shows a green Unpaid Amt field. ...
What causes unapplied payments in Jackrabbit?
There are four ways that unapplied (uncategorized) payments are created in Jackrabbit. A payment is posted to a family / account and is either not linked to a fee or is linked to a fee that does not have a Category 1 . A payment is linked initia...
How can I correct an unapplied payment?
Click the Pencil  icon on the Payment line. This opens the Edit Transaction window. Click ReApply Payment . In the Re-Apply Payment Transaction window, select a fee(s) by clicking in that fee's Apply Amt field. Click Save Payment . T...
How can I find a family's Unapplied Credits and/or Unpaid Fees?
From a family's Transactions tab, click View Unapplied Credits & Unpaid Fees  to display a listing of all amounts. You can use the links in this report to make any necessary linking adjustments. To find ALL families with unapplied credits and...
Is there a report that shows unlinked /uncategorized revenue?
There are several reports that can assist you in finding unapplied payments. (Each example below has been run for the date 8/19/2014 through 8/19/2014.) Transactions Search Report Point to Transactions and click Search. Enter a Transaction ...
Is there a way to 'unlink' or 'unapply' a payment from a fee?
In the Family's Transactions tab, click the Pencil  icon next to the payment you want to unlink from a fee. This will open the Edit Transaction window. Click the UnLink Fee(s)  button. In the UnLink Payment from all Linked Fees? window, c...
Is there a way to 'unlink' a fee from a payment?
In the Family's Transactions  tab, click the Pencil icon next to the fee you want to unlink from a payment. This will open the Edit Transactions window. Click the UnLink Payment(s) button. In the UnLink this fee from Payment?  window, cli...
I linked a payment to the wrong fee. How do I fix it?
In the Family's Transactions tab, click the Pencil  icon next to the payment you want to unlink from a fee. This will open the Edit Transaction window. Click the UnLink Fee(s) button. In the UnLink Payment from all Linked Fees? window, c...