Email FAQ


Can I email a student or family their current schedule?
Yes, see Email Student Schedules .
Can I create student schedule emails to be sent at a later time?
It is not possible to set student schedule emails to be sent at a later time, the only option is to send them immediately.
Can I attach a file to an email sent from within Jackrabbit?
Sending attachments in emails can cause an email to be undeliverable due to constraints such as size limitations or virus concerns. For this reason Jackrabbit offers the ability to link to a file that is stored in the cloud. With this, the 'actual' ...
If I send an email to a group of people, does Jackrabbit display all the email addresses in the To field?
When you send an email to a group via Jackrabbit, the  To field only displays the recipient's email address. All other emails are masked.
If the same email address in more than one contact record in the same family, will they get multiple emails?
When you send an email to a family, or a group of families, a duplicate check is done to ensure that the email is not sent to the same email address multiple times.
When I send an email from within Jackrabbit what is displayed in the From field?
All emails generated from within Jackrabbit display your organization name ( Tools > Edit Settings > Organization Defaults ) in the From field, followed by ''.  Emails sent from your Jackrabbit database must  be sen...
How do I edit or add email addresses shown in the "Email Replies Sent To" and "Send Additional Emails To" selections?
The list of email addresses shown pull directly from User ID and Location emails. Go to Tools > Edit Settings > User IDs or Locations to add another User or Location email or edit an existing one. 
Is there a report that lists families that have no email address on file?
Use Families > Search to locate families with no email address on file. Set Has No Email = Yes .
How do I embed an image into an email sent from within Jackrabbit?
Images that you have uploaded to your Jackrabbit Files can be inserted into emails sent from your database. See  Email Attachments and Images for step by step instructions. ...
How can I send a mass email outside of Jackrabbit?
To send a mass email from your organization's internet service provider, use Reports > Email/Text/Marketing Reports > Email Listing to create an email list and export it to Excel. Open your organization's email program, copy/paste the email addres...
One of my families is not receiving their emails, how can I get them the information?
Emails that you have sent a family are able to be viewed in the Parent Portal. Direct the family to log into their portal and use the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) to access copies of emails sent in Messages .
Can I email a class that has been archived?
Yes.  First, locate the archived class by going to Classes > List Archived Classes . Use the Search Criteria to narrow down the results and select the class you want to email.  Once you are on the class record for the archived class, follow the ...
Can I create a report that shows me who has opted out of mass emails?
To create a list of contacts who have opted out of mass emails, point to Families and click Search.   Set Contact opted-out from mass emails  to Yes.   Add any other search criteria and display options you'd like on the report, and click Submi...
I accidentally deleted a one of the professionally designed templates. Can I add it back?
It is possible to delete one of the professionally designed templates (using the Garbage can  icon).  If you realize that you did this in error, contact Support (click the Support button in your database) and they will provide instructions for yo...
I need to send an email to a group of people who don't match any of the search criteria in Families > Email Families. Is there a way to send a mass email to email addresses that have no 'group'?
Run Families > Email Families with as few search criteria selected as needed to produce a list of email addresses that encompasses everyone you need to email. In the Email Preview , uncheck the Check All box to uncheck every email address. Chec...
What is email validation?
Email validation ensures that an email address is correctly formatted (for example, an email address that is missing the @ symbol is incorrectly formatted). When an incorrectly formatted email address is part of a mass email, it can stop the emails ...
How can I see an email I sent to a family last month?
Emails sent to your families (contacts and students) are maintained for 365 days under each Family record on the Misc tab. Click View Sent Emails to see a list of all emails sent with the last 365 days.
Does Jackrabbit integrate with any CRM systems?
Jackrabbit does not integrate with any customer relationship management systems.  When emails are sent to families through Jackrabbit, a copy of the email is saved to the Family record > Misc tab > View Sent Emails for a period of 365 days.  ...