Multiple Cards on File ePayment FAQ


I only see a place to add one credit card number. Why?
You may need to update your settings to allow multiple cards per family.  Go to Tools > ePayments Settings  and click Manage Settings  under Credit Card & Bank Account Settings . Click Cards Accepted (left) and set Allow 3 credit cards per fa...
What is a Primary Card?
The Primary Card is the card that the family uses in most cases and is the card pre-selected when the Use Card/Acct on File button is used or when Transactions > Process Credit Cards/Bank Accts is used. ...
How do I change the Primary Card?
Click the family’s Billing Info tab.  If the family has several cards on file, reassign the Primary Card by clicking the Primary Card option for the desired card and Save Changes .  ...
Is it possible for a family to have no credit card marked as the Primary Card?
When a credit card is added to a family's Billing Info tab it is automatically assigned as the Primary Card . Additional cards can be added (depending on your settings) and the Primary Card status can be reassigned to one of the other cards. It i...
What if a family tries to add a 4th card?
The maximum number of cards per family record is 3. If a family already has 3 cards saved, the Add Card button is not visible under the family’s Billing Info tab; and the Add Card link is not visible in the Parent Portal . ...
What if a Jackrabbit user or a family tries to add a card number that is already on file?
If an attempt is made to add a card already on file, the card is not saved and a pop-up warning is displayed.                         ...
If the Primary Card is declined, does Jackrabbit select the secondary card and attempt to process it?
If the Primary Card on file is declined, Jackrabbit will not automatically select a second card to transmit for processing.  The user will need to change the Primary Card and re-run the ePayment in order for a different card to be used. ...
How do multiple cards work when a new family registers via web registration?
If you require credit card information on your web registration form, the card entered becomes the family Primary Card . Depending on your settings in Tools >  Parent Portal > Settings , the family may be able to add additional cards and / or chan...
How can I split payment for the same fee on two credit cards?
Make sure you are viewing the correct family and that the family has more than one card saved to their Billing Info tab. Click the family’s Payment/Credit button.                 In the Payment field, enter the amount to be charged and appl...
Do I have to allow multiple cards on a family's account?
Multiple cards on file is a global setting that can be turned on or off.  To disable this option, Go to Tools > ePayments Settings  and click Manage Settings  under Credit Card & Bank Account Settings . Click Cards Accepted (left) and set Allo...