When I send an email from within Jackrabbit what is displayed in the From field?

All emails generated from within Jackrabbit display your organization name (Tools > Edit Settings > Organization Defaults) in the From field, followed by 'noreply@jackrabbittech.com'. 

Emails sent from your Jackrabbit database must be sent with an email address from the Jackrabbit domain. This is due to DMARC which is an email protocol that requires authentication of the sending email address. Emails that are not authenticated are at risk of being undelivered.

To ensure that your customers receive, and are able to reply to, your emails Jackrabbit sends the message from 'noreply@jackrabbittech.com'. Our Developers have created code so that your customers are able to reply to these emails and you will receive them in the inbox that you designate when you create the email in Jackrabbit.

Family Email Addresses in Multiple Jackrabbit Databases

If you send an email from Jackrabbit and the family then adds your organization to their contact list, both the organization name (Tools > Edit Settings > Organization Defaults) and the email address (noreply@jackrabbittech.com) are added together. 

Some email programs will add the contact automatically. Families can edit the display name in their email program.

The next time the family receives an email from 'noreply@jackrabbittech.com', their email program recognizes that address and pulls in the display name from the contact list. 

If the family also belongs to another organization using Jackrabbit, they will receive emails from that organization with the same 'noreply@jackrabbittech.com' email address, i.e., every Jackrabbit organization has the same From address. Their email program will pull the display name from the contact that matches the email address, appearing to come from a different organization than the actual sender. However, if the family replies to the email it will go to the correct organization. 
