Capturing Birthday Party RSVPs using Events

Contributor(s): Amber Smith

Events in Jackrabbit can help you organize birthday parties while allowing families to reserve a party online at their convenience. Having party attendees RSVP for parties by registering for an event allows you to:

  • Capture waivers before families enter your facility.
  • Eliminate lines at the front desk for checking guests in.
  • Access everyone's waivers online.
  • Give the host family a unique link to send out for RSVPs.
  • Set up notification emails to go to the party host when guests register.
  • Transfer the information from the party attendees to the Lead File after the event for future marketing.
Jackrabbit charges you based upon student totals (inactive and active) and this will increase your total. Use the Lead File on a regular basis to archive families whose students were event attendees. See The Lead File for details on this excellent marketing tool.

Create an Event for Party Attendees

After you create the general birthday party event and a family books the party, add an event for the party guests.

For example, Harriet Smith wants to host a party for her son, Max. Your birthday calendar has parties available every Saturday at 3pm. Harriet books Max’s party for Saturday March 30, 2019. Your event calendar will now show the Saturday 3/30/19 event as booked (closed).

When creating the event for the party guests to register, include the birthday child’s name in the Event Type, e.g., “Max Smith's Birthday Party”. 

Below are some suggestions when working with the Event Date/Time for the party attendees:

  • Class Maximum Size = # of guests that can attend
  • Fee = $0 or blank
  • Allow Enrollment For = Student
  • Credit Card Required = No
  • Post Event Fee Per = Do not post fee
  • Notification Email (Summary tab) = enter the host family’s email address to notify them as guests register
  • Agreements = what each party guest should agree to

Making the Event Accessible for RSVPs

Create a "Find Your Event" page or section on your website to house all upcoming specific (booked) events. Direct party attendees here to register and agree to the event waiver.

Options for putting the event for RSVPs on your website:

  1. Calendar view of all booked birthday parties. Create a Category 2 or 3 for the events booked by the party host (e.g., Booked Birthday Parties). This allows you to filter your Event Calendar, showing only the booked parties on this section of your website. 
  2. Individual links to specific birthday parties. For more information, see our Help article Link Directly to a Specific Event (Bypass the Calendar).

Use the List Event Dates & Times report to view event status and monitor the number of guests registered.
