Modify Online Web Registration Form FAQ


How do I hide or edit the "How did you hear about us?" field at the top of the Registration form?
Go to Tools > Online Web Registration > Field Options/Labels > Referral Information , and make your selection for How Did You Hear About Us to Required, Optional , or Hidden .  The values that the customer can choose allow you to track your adv...
My customers don't understand what Cat1 or Cat2 means - how can I hide that?
Cat1 and Cat2 cannot be hidden from your customers.  However, they may be relabeled to a more meaningful title such as Program, Genre, Sub-Program, Level, etc.  Go to Tools > Online Web Registration > Settings > Class Search Settings > Cla...
How do I make the Parent Portal hotlink appear in the top of my Online Web Registration form?
The link Already a Customer? Click Here to Login appears automatically when your Parent Portal is active.   To activate your portal, go to Tools > Parent Portal > Settings  tab, and select the Activate Portal checkbox at the top. The link prov...
We have multiple Locations (LOC codes) - can I force the Web Registration Form to only show classes for a particular Location? And default the Family Loc to that Loc value?
You can accomplish this by modifying the HTML code (link) you are using on your webpage to open the form, for example with a "Click Here to Register" link. The basic HTML code starts here:  W...
How do I hide some of the columns shown in the Reg Form Class Search page?
You have the option to hide Instructor, Openings, and Start/End date columns from the Online Web Registration Settings section. If there are other columns you would like to hide, this is possible but requires custom coding. Contact our Integr...
How do I handle special online discounts, coupons, and Promotion codes (Promos) like Groupon, Living Social, CertifiKids, etc, online?
While coupons, promo codes, etc.  cannot be automatically applied during online registration, you can utilize a few Jackrabbit features to get the job done! Add Coupons/Codes to Online Web Registration Go to Tools   menu >   Edit Settings   > ...