Types of Tuition Rates


Actual Tuition Rates
Actual rates charge an hourly or daily amount based on attendance. A student must have check-in/check-out records for the posting period in order to be billed. Scheduled days are not taken into account - only time from the clock. The rate lives on t...
Scheduled Tuition Rates
Scheduled rates charge an hourly or daily amount based on a student's scheduled attendance. A student will be billed based on the days and times they are scheduled to attend during the posting period, even if they are not in attendance. Time from th...
Actual Outside of Scheduled Tuition Rates
Actual Outside of Scheduled rates charge an hourly or daily amount if a student is checked in/out outside of their scheduled time during the posting period. A student will be billed an hourly or daily rate if their check-in/out times fall outside th...
Fixed Tuition Rates
Fixed rates charge the same flat fee amount, minus any discounts, each time you post tuition. Whether you post daily, weekly, monthly, or any other time frame - the same fixed amount will always be charged. Student attendance from the clock and thei...