Jackrabbit Subscription FAQ


How do I move from a Free Trial to a Jackrabbit subscription?
When you are ready to move to a paid Jackrabbit subscription, from your Free Trial database, the Jackrabbit Billing Team will need you to confirm your Business Information , submit your Billing Information , and agree to Jackrabbit's Terms and Co...
What are the terms of my subscription agreement with Jackrabbit?
You can review the terms and conditions of the subscription agreement in Step 3 of the Jackrabbit Software -   Buy Now form .  ...
How is my monthly Jackrabbit subscription fee calculated?
Your monthly subscription fee is based on the total number of Active and Inactive Students in your database. The student count is taken on a random day of the month to determine your billing rate for the following month. Click here to view Jackra...
Who do I contact for help with my Jackrabbit subscription account?
If you have questions about your Jackrabbit subscription account, or your access to your billing portal, contact our Care Billing Team directly at carebilling@jackrabbittech.com . They may also be reached by telephone at 704 895 4034 ext 103 or 145...
My business is seasonal and I don't want to pay in my off months...can I put my account on hold?
Jackrabbit can place your account ON HOLD for a fee of $20/month. We will continue to store your data exactly as you have left it for as long as you need.  You will not have access to your data while on HOLD. When you are ready to access your data...
Can I access my Jackrabbit data after cancellation?
All information is cleared from your database when your subscription is canceled; you cannot access your data after you have closed your account. See  How to Cancel your Jackrabbit Subscription for full details. ...