Legacy Care HC
Getting Started in Jackrabbit
Help Articles
Best Practices & FAQs
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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Getting Started in Jackrabbit
Help Articles
Best Practices & FAQs
Video Help
Getting Started in Jackrabbit
Help Articles
Best Practices & FAQs
Video Help
Getting Started in Jackrabbit
Jumpstart Coach Program
Import Your Data into Jackrabbit
Import Your Data - An Overview
Data Requirements for Import
Import Data - FAQs
How do I export my data OUT of my current software program?
Where do I send my files?
Can I send my Mailing List or Registration Form for uploading?
The import service is free, correct?
How long does it take for you to import my data?
How will I know when my import is finished? And what to do after it is in?
Is there anything I can do while I am waiting on my import to complete?
I don't have an existing spreadsheet of my data. Do you have a recommended or sample spreadsheet that I can use?
Can I import my data myself?
Can family data be imported directly into the Lead File?
Do you import any financial data?
If our files don't contain the current family balance, how do I get this information into each family?
We use UK date format of dd/mm - is that a problem?
What if I have several Locations, each with a different file? Is there a charge for multiple files due to multiple Locations?
What if we import during a Free Trial, and by the time we purchase Jackrabbit, our current data has significantly changed?
After the import is complete, can I send another file that can add more information to the families that were previously imported?
Do I have to import my new families every month?
I used the Import spreadsheet to import my Skills but nothing imported - what could be wrong?
Can the Skills be imported directly into my classes or students?
The Basics
Log In and Out of Your Database
Jackrabbit User ID Passwords
The Four Main Areas Where Jackrabbit Stores Your Data
Consistent Data Leads to Consistent Results
Navigating in Jackrabbit
Search for People or Classes in your Database
Working with Grids in Jackrabbit
Notes in Jackrabbit - Family, Student, Class, and Staff
Resources in Jackrabbit - Family, Student, Class, and Staff
User Permissions for Jackrabbit Resources
Organization Set Up
Address Settings
Email Notification Settings
Tax Settings
Time Zone & Date Settings
Customize Drop-down Lists
Customize Drop-down Lists - An Overview
Class Categories - Category 1, 2, and 3
Class Sessions
Tuition Cycle
Transaction Type
Transaction Subtypes
Additional Settings
Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation - An Overview
Set Up Hours of Operation
Delete / Edit Hours of Operation
Schedule Templates
Schedule Templates - An Overview
Create Schedule Templates
Delete / Edit Schedule Templates
Mark a Template Public or Private
Billing Setup - Student vs Class Based Billing
Student Based Billing or Class Based Billing
Tuition Rates in Student Based Billing
Class Fees in Class Based Billing
Tuition Rates
Tuition Rates - An Overview
Tuition Rate Settings
Tuition Cycle
Rounding Times and Amounts for Tuition Rates
Rounding Rule Details for Tuition Rates
Types of Tuition Rates
Actual Tuition Rates
Scheduled Tuition Rates
Actual Outside of Scheduled Tuition Rates
Fixed Tuition Rates
Add a Tuition Rate to a Student
Tuition Rate Examples
Add Staff / Instructors
Add Classes / Lessons
Add Classes - Overview
Add a Class from the Classes Menu
Add a Class from the Weekly Calendar
Class Fields Explained
Add a Family (Account)
Help Articles
Checkup Calls and Training Options
The Executive Dashboard
The Executive Dashboard - An Overview
The Weekly Calendar - Your Command Central
Dashboard Alerts
Revenue Summary on the Dashboard
Tasks on the Dashboard
Aged Accounts on the Dashboard
Key Metrics on the Dashboard
Announcements on the Dashboard
Keep up with Enhancements on the Dashboard
Families / Accounts
The Family Record
Add a Family (Account)
Edit a Family Name
Delete a Family
Jackrabbit's Duplicate Family Detection
Merge Duplicate Family Records
Active vs Inactive Families
Work with Contacts in the Family Record
Special Settings - Problem Accounts (Families)
Family Reports
Search Families Report
List Active / List All Families Reports
Aged Accounts Report (Who Owes you Money - Summary)
Aged Accounts Details Report (Who Owes you Money - Detail)
Family Balance Summary Report
Statements / Invoices
Statements / Invoices Default Settings
Print Multiple Statements / Invoices
Email Multiple Statements / Invoices
Year End Tax Statements
Print or Email Individual Statements/Invoices
Family ePayment Listing Report
Family Address Listing Report
Contact Listing Report
Family Mailing Labels
Source (Family Referral) Report
Email Listing Report
Family FAQs
The Student Record
Add a Student
Edit Student Information
Delete a Student
Student Skills/Levels
Student Skills/Levels - An Overview
Skill/Level Categories
Create Skills/Levels
Delete Skills/Levels
Add Skills/Levels to Classes
Add or Update Student Skills/Levels Individually
Add or Update Student Skills/Levels in Mass
Delete a Student's Skills/Levels
Student Reports
Student Reports - A Video Overview
Search Students Report
List Active / List All Students Reports
Student Skills/Levels Search Report
Who's Scheduled to be Here Report
Student Detail Report
Student Info Sheets
Immunization/Requirement Report
Student Tuition
Student Labels
Student FAQs
Classes / Lessons
The Class Record
Class Fields Explained
Add Classes/Lessons
Add Classes - An Overview
Add a Class from the Classes Menu
Add a Class from the Weekly Calendar [parent]
Edit and Copy Classes
Edit a Single Class
Edit Multiple Classes at Once
Copy a Single Class
Copy Multiple Classes at Once
Delete a Class
Transition to a New Session of Classes
Archive Classes
Archive Classes - An Overview
Archive Dashboard Alert
Archive a Single Class
Archive a Group of Classes
Restore an Archived Class
Email an Archived Class
List / Search Archived Classes
Class Sign In / Out Sheets
Class Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans - An Overview
Create a Master Lesson Plan
Copy a Master Lesson Plan into a Class
Add a Lesson Plan Directly to a Class
Class Calendars
Class Calendars - An Overview
The Weekly Calendar - Your Command Central
Daily Calendar (Day View)
Room View Calendar
Monthly Calendar
Class / Lesson Reports
Search Classes Report
List All / List Active Classes
Class Schedule
Class Rolls Report
Weekly, Daily, and Monthly Schedule
Openings (Classes With)
Search Wait List / Wait List with Openings
List Archived Classes
Class Skills/Levels Report
Class / Lesson FAQ
Staff / Instructors
The Staff Record
Add a Staff Member / Instructor
Delete a Staff Member / Instructor
Assign Staff / Instructors to Classes
Remove (Unassign) Staff / Instructors from a Class
Staff / Instructor Skills
Staff / Instructor Certifications
Staff Availability
Staff Availability - An Overview
Add Standard Hours to a Staff Member's Availability
Add Exceptions to a Staff Member's Availability
View Staff Availability / Exceptions
Staff Compensation / Pay Rates
Staff / Instructor Reports
The Search Staff Report
List All / List Active Staff
Instructor Schedules
Staff Pay Rate Report
Instructor Scheduled Time Report
Staff / Instructor FAQ
User Permissions for Certifications
Scheduling & Enrollment
Schedule a Student
Schedule a Student from within Jackrabbit
Methods for Staff to Schedule a Student
Schedule a Student into Classes using Jackrabbit's Calendars
Student Scheduling in the Parent Portal
Drop or Transfer a Student
Drop an Individual Student from a Class
Mass Drop Students from a Class
Future Drop Dates (Schedule End Dates)
Change a Student's Schedule in a Class
Delete a Schedule - Added in Error
Transfer a Student to Another Class
Report/Track Dropped and Transferred Students
Future Enrollment
Create a Future Enrollment
View Future Enrollments
Delete a Future Enrollment
Report/Track Future Enrollments
Wait List Enrollment
Add a Student to a Waitlist
Schedule a Student from a Wait List
Delete a Student from a Wait List
Email Wait Listed Students
Search/Report Wait Lists
Allow Online Registration to a Wait List
Fees, Payments, Refunds, and Credits (Transactions)
Post Fees (Bill Customer)
Post Tuition Fees
Post Tuition using Student Based Billing
Tuition Rates in Student Based Billing
3rd Party Agency and Split Family Billing
Post Student Tuition Fees - The Function (Transactions Menu)
Post Tuition Using Class Based Billing
Class Fees in Class Based Billing
How Jackrabbit Calculates Post Tuition Fees
Tuition Defaults in Post Tuition Fees
Fixed Fees with Class Based Billing
Fixed Fees - An Overview
Family Fixed Fees
Student Fixed Fees
Add a Family Specific Discount
Post Tuition Fees - The Function (Transactions Menu)
Tuition Fees - Duplicate Fee Detection
Post Other Fees (Non Tuition)
Post a Fee with the Make Sale/Post Fees Button
Post Fees to a Family (Transactions menu)
Post Class Transactions
Post Annual Fees
Post Late Fees (or Misc Fees)
Enter Payments
Post an Individual Payment
Post Multiple Payments at Once with Process Credit Cards/Bank Accounts (Batch ePayments)
ePayments (Credit Card/Bank Account payments)
Payment Receipts
General Payment Receipt Settings
Print / Email Receipt When Posting a Payment
Print / Email Receipt From the Transactions Tab
Manage Email Notifications (ePayment Receipts)
Prepayments and Overpayments
Payment Examples - Individual Payments
Example of a Check Payment - Entire Balance Paid
Example of a Check Payment - Applied to a Specific Fee
Example of Split Payment - Entire Balance Paid
Example of a Credit Card ePayment - Entire Balance Paid
Refunds and Voids
Refunds - An Overview
Refund - Original Payment was Cash or Check
Refund or Void an ePayment (Original Payment was Credit Card or Bank Draft)
Refund/Void ePayments - An Overview
User Permissions Required to Refund or Void an ePayment
Void a Credit Card Payment that Hasn't Settled with the Processor
Refund a Credit Card Payment that Has Settled with the Processor
Refund a Settled Credit Card Payment with a Different Payment Method
Bank Draft/ACH Payment Refunds
Bank Account / Bank Draft Refunds
Void / Refund ePayment Receipts
Store Refunds
Refunds and Revenue Reports
Refund Examples
Refund Example - Family Overpaid and Wants a Full Refund
Refund Example - Family Paid Fee Early in Error, the Fees are Still Due
Refund Example - Family Paid Fees and is Eligible for a Partial Refund, Fee will No Longer be Owed
Refund Example - Family Paid Fees With Credit Card and is Eligible for a Partial Refund
Refund Example - Family Paid Early in Error (with Credit Card), the Fees are Still Due
Refund Example - Family Paid with Credit Card and is Eligible for Refund, Original Credit Card Cancelled
Refund Example - An Item was Sold Through the Store and Customer Wants a Refund, Item Returned to Inventory
Refund Example - Family Owes Tuition Fee and also Purchases a Store Item, They are Double Charged for the Item in Error
Refund Example - Family Purchases 2 Items - 1 Item is Defective and Refunded, Item Not Returned to Inventory
Refund FAQs
Post a Non-Monetary Credit to an Account (Family)
Account Credits (Non-Monetary) - An Overview
Set up Drop-down Lists for use with Account Credits
Post a Credit - Miscellaneous Credit Example
Post a Credit - Groupon Credit Example
Post a Credit - Fundraising Credit Example
Reports for Account Credits (Non-Monetary)
Find Unapplied Credits and Apply to Fees
User Permissions for Find Unapplied Credits (Transactions Menu)
Edit Transactions
Delete Transactions (Fees and Payments)
Delete an Individual Fee
Delete Tuition Fees (Transactions Menu)
Delete Multiple Transactions (undoing non-tuition related posted fees)
Delete a Payment
Find a Deleted Transaction in Jackrabbit
Write Off a Bad Debt
Record an NSF (Bounced Check)
Charge Tax on Fees
Set Up / Edit Fee Tax Details
Make Sale/Post Fees - Add Tax in the Post Fees Section
Tax Tuition and Enrollment Fees
Transaction Reports
Transactions FAQs
Revenue and Accounting in Jackrabbit
Accounting in Jackrabbit - An Overview
Linking Fees and Payments in Jackrabbit
Fee Linking Explained - Applying Payments to Fees
Locate and Correct Unlinked Transactions (Fees & Payments/Credits)
Why do I Have Unapplied Payments?
Use the Paid Fees Report to Locate Unapplied Payments
Use the Transactions Search Report to Locate Unapplied Credits
The View Unapplied Credits & Unpaid Fees Button (Family record)
Transaction Linking FAQs
Financial Reports
Financial Reports - An Overview
Revenue Reports
Class/Event Revenue Summary Report
Deposit Slip Report
Fee Summary Report
Paid Fees Report
Payment Method Summary Report
Revenue Snapshot Report
Revenue Summary Report
Revenue Reconciliation Reports
Accounts Receivable / Collection Reports
Aged Accounts Details Report
Aged Accounts Summary Report
Family Balance Summary Report
Fee Summary Report
Statements / Invoices
Email Multiple Statements / Invoices
Statements / Invoices Default Settings
Print or Email Individual Statements / Invoices
Print Multiple Statements / Invoices
Year End Tax Statements
QuickBooks Integration
QuickBooks Financial (Revenue) Integration - An Overview
Export Revenue from Jackrabbit to QuickBooks Desktop
Export Revenue to QuickBooks Desktop - A Video Overview
Assign / Edit QuickBooks (Desktop) Accounts
Download IIF File (Revenue) - QuickBooks Desktop Export
Import IIF File (Revenue) in QuickBooks Desktop
Export Revenue from Jackrabbit to QuickBooks Online
Export Revenue to QuickBooks Online - A Video Overview
Connect Jackrabbit to QuickBooks Online - The 1st Step
Assign/Edit QuickBooks (Online) Accounts
Export your Revenue to QuickBooks Online
Undeposited Funds & the QuickBooks Bank Deposit
QuickBooks Integration FAQs
For the Bookkeeper and Beyond
Transfer Your Financial Information from Jackrabbit to an Accrual Accounting System
Convert Cash Accounting Records to Accrual at Period End
Bank Reconciliation When Using ePayments
Reconcile Bank Drafts with Bank Statements
Accounting Controls in Jackrabbit
Help with Accounting in Jackrabbit
ePayments in Jackrabbit (Credit Card & Bank Account Draft)
ePayment Resources
ePayments - An Overview
Understand ePayments
How ePayments Work
PCI Compliance
Virtual Terminals Explained
Get Set Up for ePayments
User ID Permissions for ePayments
Manage Credit Card & Bank Account ePayment Settings
Manage Email Notification Settings (ePayment Receipts)
Set a Settlement Schedule for your Gateway
Using ePayments with Multiple Locations
Use ePayments in Jackrabbit
Manage Credit Cards & Bank Accounts in the Family Record
Add a Credit Card to a Family
Multiple Cards per Family
Edit a Credit Card on a Family
Delete a Credit Card from a Family
Add a Bank Account to a Family
Edit a Bank Account on a Family
Delete a Bank Account from a Family
Process an ePayment for One Family
Process a Single ePayment - An Overview
Process a Single Credit Card
Use Card/Acct on File Button (Process a Saved Credit Card)
Use New Card Button (Process an Unsaved Credit Card)
Save & Make Another Payment (Split a credit card payment with another payment method)
Process a Single Bank Account Draft
Process ePayments for Multiple Families
Process Credit Card/Bank Account Payments in a Batch
Before You Begin with Batch ePayments
Process Credit Cards/Bank Accts
Undo Multiple Incorrect Credit Card/Bank Acct Transactions
Void / Refund ePayments
Record an ePayment Chargeback
Credit Card Decline Codes
EMV Chip Cards
EMV Chip Cards - An Overview
Requirements for Processing EMV Chip Cards
Set Up Your EMV Card Terminal
Process an EMV Chip Card Payment in Jackrabbit
Terminal ePayment Exception Report
Reconcile Bank Drafts with Bank Statements
Draft Bank Accounts Using NACHA Files
The True Cost of Credit Cards - Understanding Your Quoted Rate
ePayment FAQs
Online Integration: Web Reg, Parent Portal, Class Listings Tables, and Events Online
Website / Online Integration - An Overview
Online Web Registration
The Online Web Registration Form - An Overview
Customize Your Web Registration Form
Online Web Registration Settings
Web Registration Form - Field Options / Labels
Web Registration Form - Agreement Text (Legalese)
Web Registration Form - Ability to Enroll in a Class
Web Registration Form - Scheduling Options
Option 1 - Do Not Auto Enroll - By Request Only
Option 2 - Require Class and Template
Option 3 - Require Class, Template Optional, Pick Times
Modify the Class Search Page in the Web Registration Form
Manage Credit Card & Bank Account ePayment Settings
Test Your Web Registration Form
Link to Your Web Registration Form
Web Registration Form Submission
Web Registration Confirmation Email
Track Online / Web Registrations
View Online / Web Registrations
Prevent Class Enrollment During Online Registration
Hold a Soft Launch for your Online Web Registration Form
Online Web Registration FAQs
Parent Portal
The Parent Portal - An Overview
Get Started with the Parent Portal
Set up Your Parent Portal
Test Your Parent Portal
Link to Your Parent Portal
Introduce your Parent Portal / Instructional Video
Parent Portal - Your Customers' First Log In
Parent Portal - Screens and Menus
Parent Portal - The Dashboard
Communication in the Parent Portal
Parent Portal Communication - An Overview
Send a Private Message to a Specific Family's Parent Portal
Send a Public Message to all Parent Portals - News & Announcements
Parent Portal Announcements - How to Insert Images and Link to Documents
Enrollment in the Parent Portal
Parent Portal - Enroll a Student into a Class
Parent Portal - Enroll for an Event
Priority Enrollment in the Parent Portal
ePayments in the Parent Portal
Parent Portal ePayments - An Overview
Manage Credit Card & Bank Account ePayment Settings
Test a Parent Portal ePayment
Manage Credit Cards in the Parent Portal
Legal Policies and the Parent Portal
Options for Viewing the Activity in your Parent Portal
Parent Portal Troubleshooting
Use the Parent Portal Log to View Portal Activity
Parent Portal Information on the Contact Page
Parent Portal Password Reset Issues
Test Access to Your Parents' Portals
Multiple Incorrect Parent Portal Password Attempts
Class Listings Tables
Class Listings Tables - An Overview
Customize Your Class Listings Tables with HTML Codes
Create Custom Class Listing Tables in 4 Steps
Filter (Group) Your Class Listings Tables
Hide Columns in Your Class Listings Tables
Add Columns to Your Class Listings Tables
Sort Rows in Your Class Listings Tables
Customize Scroll Bars and Colors in Your Class Listings Tables
Tricks for Query Strings
Class Listings Tables Without Javascript
Not Sure How to Get to Your Editor's HTML Mode?
Convert Traditional Table Codes to Mobile Friendly Table Codes
Class Listings Table FAQs
Events Online
Events Online - An Overview
Test Your Online Event
Link to Your Online Event
Filter Your Online Event Calendar
Link Directly to a Specific Event (Bypass the Calendar)
Events Online - Customer Submission
Prevent Duplication of Family Accounts with Online Event Registration
Track Online Event Registrations and Enrollment Details
Examples of Client Event Calendars
Events Online FAQs
Integration Assistance
Client Website Examples
Client Website Examples - Cheer and Gymnastics
Client Website Examples - Dance
Client Website Examples - Swim
Client Website Examples - Drama and Theater
Client Website Examples - Learning, Languages, and Education
Client Website Examples - Music
Client Website Examples - Multi-Sport or Multi-Discipline
Client Website Examples - Child Care
Client Website Examples - Specialty & Highly Customized Integration
Website Developer Referrals
The Jackrabbit Badge
The Clock
The Clock - An Overview
Set Up the Clock
Create the Time Clock User ID (Step 1)
Set Permissions for Regular User IDs (Step 2)
Organizational Clock Settings (Step 3)
Assign PINs to Existing Contacts and Staff (Step 4)
PINs and Pickups
PINs and Pickups - An Overview
Staff PINs
Contact PINs
Group PINs
Group PINs - An Overview
Create a Group PIN
Add Students (Pickups) to a Group PIN
Remove Students (Pickups) from a Group PIN
Delete a Group PIN
Report on Group PINs
Student Pickups
Using PIN Barcodes
Messaging in the Clock
Individual Family Messages in the Clock
Individual Staff Messages in the Clock
Group Family and Staff Messages in the Clock
Group Staff Messages in the Clock
Launch the Clock
Launch the Clock - An Overview
Multiple Clock Locations
Save and Launch the Clock as an App on a Mobile Device
Save and Launch the Clock from your Desktop
Student Check-In / Out
Contact PIN Check-In / Out Using the Clock
Group PIN Check-In / Out Using the Clock
Student Check-in / Out by Administrator
Student Check-In / Out Using the Clock
Staff Clock-In / Out
Staff Clock-In / Out Using the Clock
Staff Clock-In / Out by an Administrator
Clock Reports
Failed Signouts
Here Now Report
Child Attendance Report
Absences Report
Staff Attendance Report
Pickups Report - Group PINs
PIN Report
Clock FAQs
Reports in Jackrabbit
The Reports Menu - An Overview
Find Reports (Reports Menu)
Favorite Reports (Reports Menu)
New Reports (Reports Menu)
All Reports (Reports Menu)
Work with Reports
How to Find the Reports You Need
Favorites (Report Criteria Templates)
Use Search Fields to Locate Information in Reports
Sort Your Report Data Using Column Headers
Button Options in Reports
Report Export Options
Report Output Formats
Family Reports
Search Families Report
List Active / List All Families Reports
Aged Accounts Details Report (Who Owes you Money - Detail)
Family Balance Summary Report
Statements / Invoices
Statements / Invoices Default Settings
Print Multiple Statements / Invoices
Email Multiple Statements / Invoices
Year End Tax Statements
Print or Email Individual Statements/Invoices
Family ePayment Listing Report
Family Address Listing Report
Contact Listing Report
Family Mailing Labels
Source (Family Referral) Report
Aged Accounts Report (Who Owes you Money - Summary)
Email Listing Report
Student Reports
Student Reports - A Video Overview
List Active / List All Students Reports
Search Students Report
Student Skills/Levels Search Report
Who's Scheduled to be Here Report
Student Info Sheets
Student Labels
Student Detail Report
Class Reports
Search Classes Report
List All / List Active Classes
Class Schedule
Weekly, Daily, and Monthly Schedule
Class Rolls Report
Openings (Classes With)
Search Wait List / Wait List with Openings
List Archived Classes
Class Skills/Levels Report
Enrollment Reports
Enrollment Reports - A Video Overview
Understand Enrollment Types
Drop History Report
Enroll History Report
Enrollment Detail Report
Enrollment Snapshot Reports
Requested Class Report
Event Reports
List Event Types
Event Detail Report
Event Sign In/Out Sheets
Event Online Registrations
Staff / Instructor Reports
Search Staff Report
List All / List Active Staff
Instructor Schedules
Staff Pay Rate Report
Instructor Scheduled Time Report
Clock Reports
Failed Signouts
Here Now Report
Child Attendance Report
Absences Report
Staff Attendance Report
Pickups Report - Group PINs
PIN Report
Transaction Reports
Search Transactions Report
Transaction Listing Report
Transaction Sub-type Listing Report
Transaction Summary Report
Terminal ePayment Exception Report
Financial Reports
Store / POS Reports
Sales Detail Report
Profit Report
Re-Order Alert Quantity
Store Item Tax Report
List Store Items
List Item Vendors
List Stores
Email Reports
Email Reports - A Video Overview
Email Listing Report
View Sent Emails
Sent Emails Report
Email Bounce Report
Scheduled Emails Report
Text Messaging Reports
View Texts Sent to a Family
Text Activity Report
Text Undeliverable Report
Who Opted In?
Reports FAQs
Store / Point of Sale
Store / Point of Sale - An Overview
Store Setup and Maintenance
Setting up Your Store - A Checklist
Things to Consider When Setting up the Store
User Permissions Required for the Store
Add Drop-down List Values for the Store
Add Item Vendors to the Store
Add Items to the Store
Delete Items from your Store
Item Barcodes for the Store
Add Additional Store Accounts
Make a Store Sale
Return a Store Item
Store Reports
Sales Detail Report
Profit Report
Re-Order Alert Quantity
Store Item Tax Report
List Store Items
List Item Vendors
List Stores
Store / POS FAQs
Sell Drop-in Classes in Jackrabbit
Sell and Track Punch Cards in Jackrabbit
Sell and Redeem Gift Cards in Jackrabbit
Accept Charitable Donations in Jackrabbit
Emailing in Jackrabbit
Email Guidelines
Opt-out of Mass Emails (Student and Contact)
Email Type - HTML or Plain Text
Send an Individual Email
Send a Mass Email (Email a Group)
Email Families
Email Student Schedules
Email an Archived Class
Email a Class
Email Staff
Email from Reports
Schedule an Email - Send Later
Schedule an Email to be Sent at a Later Time
Preview, Edit, or Cancel a Scheduled Email
Email Attachments and Images
Email Attachments and Images - An Overview
Upload and Manage Jackrabbit Files
Work with Jackrabbit Files - Attach Files and Insert Images
Link to a File in an Email Using Dropbox
Email Templates
Email Templates - An Overview
Customize / Edit a Jackrabbit Email Template
Create Your Own Email Template
Copy an Email Template
Delete an Email Template
Customize / Edit a Jackrabbit Email Template
Email Reports
Email Reports - A Video Overview
Search for an Email Address
View Sent Emails
Email Bounce Report
Scheduled Emails Report
Email Listing Report
Email FAQs
Troubleshoot Email
Increase Your Email Delivery Rate
Add Jackrabbit to Safe Senders List
Troubleshoot Problems with Email
Email Notification Settings
Texting in Jackrabbit
Texting in Jackrabbit - An Overview
User Permissions Required for Text Messaging
Get Set Up for Text Messaging with Twilio
Get Set Up for Text Messaging with Plivo
Opt-In Contacts & Students for Texting
Opt-Out Contacts & Students for Texting
Opt-In / Opt-Out Staff for Texting
Send Text Messages
Text a Group
Text an Individual or a Family
Text a Class
Text an Individual Staff Member
Text a Group of Staff
Replies to Your Text Messages
Text Messaging Reports
View Texts Sent to a Family
Text Activity Report
Text Undeliverable Report
Who Opted In?
Text Messaging FAQs
The Lead File
The Lead File - An Overview
Families Archived to the Lead File - What Information is Retained?
Add a Lead
Archive One Family to the Lead File
Archive Multiple Families to the Lead File (Mass Archive)
Add a Family Directly to the Lead File
Restore a Lead File Family to your Main Database
Contact Your Leads
Contact Leads - A Video Overview
Email an Individual Lead
Email a Group of Leads
Print Mailing Labels for your Leads
Search, List, and Export Leads
Lead File FAQs
User Permissions for the Lead File
Events - An Overview
Add an Event
Add an Event - A Video Overview
Add an Event Step 1 - Create the Event Type
Add an Event Step 2 - Create Event Dates/Times
Work with an Event Date/Time
Event Notices (Event Date Status = Notice)
Register / Enroll in an Event
Enroll an Existing Customer into an Event from within your Database
Register a New Customer into an Event from within your Database
Event Registration via the Event Calendar (New Customers)
Event Enrollment via the Parent Portal (Existing Customers)
Post Event Fees
Post Event Fees - A Video Overview
Automatically Post Event Fees for Online and Portal Registrations
Isolate a Specific Event Date/Time to Auto-Post Event Fees
Manually Post an Event Fee
Event Calendar Views
Take Your Events Online
Event Reports
List Event Types
List (Event) Dates & Times
Event Detail Report
Event Sign In/Out Sheets
Event Online Registrations
Events FAQs
Manage Your Database
The System Administrator
Manage Jackrabbit User IDs
What is a Jackrabbit User ID?
Add/Revoke a Jackrabbit User ID
Permissions for Jackrabbit Users
Jackrabbit User ID Passwords
Clone a User ID
User ID Login Status
Change a User ID Name
Update a Jackrabbit User's Email Address
User ID Activity Tracking
Search User Activity
View User Activity
Manage Locations in Your Database
Locations in Your Jackrabbit Database - What Are They?
Add, Edit, or Delete a Location
Work With Multiple Locations in Your Database
Other Considerations When Using Multiple Locations in the Same Database
Revenue Tracking with Multiple Locations
Using ePayments with Multiple Locations
How to Know When Multiple Locations in One Database Is the Way to Go!
Multi-Location Revenue Reconciliation Reports
Database Settings
Organization Default Settings
Organization Default Settings - An Overview
Address Settings
Transaction Settings
Receipt Settings
Student Settings
Class Settings
Tax Settings
Time Zone & Date Settings
Drop-down Lists
Customize Drop-down Lists - An Overview
Class Category
Class Sessions
Class Status
ePayment Schedule
Family Source
Staff Certification Level
Skill/Level Categories
Payment Method
Transaction Subtypes
Transaction Type
Tuition Cycle
Additional Database Settings
Additional Database Settings - An Overview
Dashboard Announcements
Email Notification Settings
Hours of Operation
Immunization / Medical Requirements
Immunizations / Medical Requirements - An Overview
Create Immunization / Medical Requirements
Custom Due Dates for Medical Requirements
Record Fullfilled Dates for Immunization/Reqs
Immunization/Requirement Report
Organization Logo
Statement Settings
Text Messaging Settings
Schedule Templates
User-defined Fields
Tuition Rates (Student Based Billing only)
Manage your Jackrabbit Subscription Account
Jackrabbit Fees and Payment Policies
Manage your Subscription Account in the Jackrabbit Customer Portal
Jackrabbit's Referral Credit Program
How to Cancel your Jackrabbit Subscription
Change of Database Ownership
Jackrabbit Subscription FAQs
Troubleshoot Computer Issues
Security and Privacy in Jackrabbit
Privacy Policy
PCI Compliance
Security in Jackrabbit
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
Jackrabbit's Data Center
Best Practices & FAQs
Best Practice Articles
Connect with Us
Following Jackrabbit and Staying Connected
Keeping up with all things Jackrabbit via Intercom
Make it Easy
Capturing Birthday Party RSVPs using Events
Should You Set Up your Camps as Events or Classes?
Money, Money, Money
Bank Reconciliation with Using ePayments
Maintaining Accurate Revenue Reports
Effortless Payment Collections with ePayment Schedules
Maximizing Functionality
Staying Organized During Registration for a New Session
Immunizations / Medical Requirements - Electronic Tracking and Custom Dates
No Website - No Problem! Offer Online Options to your Families Using Web Page Links
Recommended Office Procedures
What Should your Office Staff's Daily Routine Look Like?
Weekly Procedures that will Keep your Jackrabbit House in Order
Billing Time - Posting Tuition Fees and Collecting Payments Fast!
Transitioning Sessions - The Best Time to Spring Clean your Database
Keeping Clean Data
Consistent Data Leads to Consistent Results
Class Sessions - What They Are and How They Can Help Your Business
Managing Data While Retaining Value Within Your Database
Helpful Hints for Owners
The Importance of Updated Policies and Agreements
Protecting Your Data When a Staff Member Leaves
How to Know When Multiple Locations in One Database Is the Way to Go!
Expand your Business with the Help of the Enrollment Detail Report
Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ
What are the requirements for using Jackrabbit?
How do I get help setting up my Jackrabbit database?
What are the differences between the logins associated with my Jackrabbit database?
How do I contact Jackrabbit Support?
Where can all the different types of notes be seen?
Will Jackrabbit time me out after a period of inactivity?
What is the format for entering time in Jackrabbit?
Why is there an globe icon next to every phone number field? What is phone validation, masked mode and international mode?
How do I resize my company logo for use in Jackrabbit?
I have many drop downs that we don't use. Can I delete them?
How can I keep up with recent enhancements in Jackrabbit?
How do I get help getting Jackrabbit to work with my website?
Will Joomla work with Jackrabbit?
Will Wordpress work with Jackrabbit?
Will Wix work with Jackrabbit?
I want to use Jackrabbit features with my website, where can I find the HTML codes for linking?
Does Jackrabbit support integration with third-party systems?
Family FAQ
How is a family's Location value determined?
Can Jackrabbit split billing between two contacts or allow for billing two credit cards in one family?
What does Prospect on the Family Misc tab mean?
Can I mass delete information that is filled in under a Family's User-defined fields?
How can we merge duplicated families?
Will a family in the Lead File be found by Jackrabbit's family duplicate detection when they re-register?
How can I view / print a family's registration? How can I view / print a registration to show a parent they e-signed our policies?
When I register a family using Families > Quick Registration/Add Family, there is no option to sign our agreement text (legalese). Why?
On the Family Misc tab, in the "Notes" box, can the text we enter here be seen by the family in their portal?
How can I prove a family accepted our agreement text (legalese)? Where is their e-Signature located?
How can I see a family's entire transaction history?
Is it possible to flag a delinquent account?
I merged the wrong 2 family accounts, how can I undo this?
Student FAQ
What is the Student Date Quit field on the Student Summary page used for?
When I transfer a student from a class where they had a future drop does this information carry over to the new class?
Can a student's picture be uploaded to their record?
Can I mass delete information that is filled in under a Student's User-defined fields?
Is there a way for me to change the student grade level for all students at once?
Can I email a student their schedule?
Can student skills/levels be seen in the Parent Portal?
Can I use the same barcode scanner for both the clock and the store?
When does a student drop take effect?
Is there a report that prints the secret word field (from the Student Misc tab) for each child?
Why is the Student Medical tab missing the Immunization/Medical Requirements?
Class / Lesson FAQ
Why should I archive classes instead of just dropping the students and changing the session and dates of a class?
How can I search for classes with openings?
Why don't my Weekly / Daily classes display or print in color?
What happens to the transactions for a family when I archive the class?
How do I set the maximum number of students we'll allow on our wait list for a class?
Can I post tuition to an archived class?
What's the best practice for setting up a new session of classes and archiving the old session's classes?
How can I email a class wait list?
Can I edit a group of classes at once?
Staff / Instructor FAQ
In the staff record is there a place to list a hire date?
When a staff person's pay rate is changed, is it communicated to my payroll company?
Clock FAQ
We need more than one Clock open at a time. Is that possible?
How can I change or delete a PIN for a staff member or contact?
Can I prevent my staff from clocking in early?
How do we handle a one time pick up or drop off (example a visiting relative)?
The clock does not display the correct date and/or time when opened. Where can I change this?
What would cause a student to not show up in the clock for check in?
Why isn't a certain Class displaying in the Clock for Students? The Students have a current Schedule for this Class.
If a Student has multiple current classes how does Jackrabbit decide what class to display?
Why are numbers are being added into the PIN field automatically?
Why can't a parent see their balance when clocking in or out?
What is the easiest way to share PIN codes with parents?
Is there an App for the Clock?
When I launch the Clock on my tablet, how do I get rid of the keyboard that pops up and covers the PIN pad?
How can a student check themselves in with a PIN?
ePayment FAQ
General ePayment FAQ
I'm confused about how to set up ePayments and how to process them.
What if I have multiple locations and bank accounts? Can I still use ePayments?
I have a multi-location, multi-gateway set up. How do a switch a customer from one gateway to another?
How long does it take to set up ePayment processing in Jackrabbit?
What is a virtual terminal or VT?
Can I schedule ePayment batches to occur automatically?
How do I stop a credit card payment once it has been submitted?
How do I designate which types of credit cards and bank cards we accept?
If a family has both a credit card and a bank account on file, what determines which one is used?
I am located in Australia, can I use ePayments in Jackrabbit?
I am located in New Zealand, can I use ePayments in Jackrabbit?
When should I expect to receive funds processed as ePayments in Jackrabbit?
Why not Square or Paypal?
Credit Card ePayment FAQ
Why can't I see the whole credit card number?
What is credit card masking?
What is credit card vaulting?
What is a CVV code for credit cards?
What does it mean if I get a decline code? What should I do?
Can I use a card swiper to make ePayments?
Is there a limit to the number of credit cards that can process in one batch?
I had a communication error with my gateway while I was processing ePayments. How can I be sure I don't double-charge the involved families?
What does it mean if I get declined code that indicates that the transaction is a duplicate?
Why are some payments made with a Visa or MasterCard gift card being declined?
I want to upcharge families who pay with a credit card. How can I pass on the processing fee to these customers?
I need to cancel a refund. How can I stop the refund from being processed?
Is the CVV code required for a Canadian Visa payment?
Multiple Cards on File ePayment FAQ
I only see a place to add one credit card number. Why?
What is a Primary Card?
How do I change the Primary Card?
Is it possible for a family to have no credit card marked as the Primary Card?
What if a family tries to add a 4th card?
What if a Jackrabbit user or a family tries to add a card number that is already on file?
If the Primary Card is declined, does Jackrabbit select the secondary card and attempt to process it?
How do multiple cards work when a new family registers via web registration?
How can I split payment for the same fee on two credit cards?
Do I have to allow multiple cards on a family's account?
Bank Draft (eCheck) ePayment FAQ
What about bank account numbers? Why are they masked in Jackrabbit?
Card Swiper (non EMV) FAQ
Where can I purchase a card swiper with the magnetic strip not the chip?
Why am I getting a decline response of Encrypted Device when I try to use my card (swipe only) reader?
Can I click Add Card on a Family's Billing Info page and use the card swiper to enter and save a credit card number?
Should I download the SwIPe software offered in my Virtual Terminal to use my new card swiper (non EMV)?
EMV Chip Card FAQ
Can I use a chip card terminal (EMV) on a Mac?
I forgot to link a terminal payment to the family's record, how can I fix this?
Online Web Registration FAQ
General Web Reg Form FAQ
What and where is my Org ID?
How do I add my company logo onto the form?
How do I install the Registration Form link onto my website?
Can I add a Facebook pixel to the Web Reg form?
How do I sell our "Store" items online?
What email is shown as the "from" address on the Customer's Confirmation email that they receive?
Will the class Instructor be emailed when someone enrolls online into their class?
There is a "Comments" section near the bottom of the Class Web Reg form. If a customer enters comments here, where do those comments show up? Can I remove this box?
Policies and Payments FAQ
How do I add my Legal Policies to the Registration Form?
Where does Jackrabbit store the customer's e-signature and the policies they agreed to?
What if I have different sets of policies depending on the type of class?
Do I have to have e-Commerce to use the online Registration?
Why doesn't the Registration Form charge my customer's credit card or bank account upon submission?
Can Jackrabbit automatically post a Registration fee?
Can Jackrabbit automatically post the class tuition(s)?
Our classes are taxable - how do I make sure tax is also posted with the tuition fee?
Control Web Registration FAQ
How do I hide certain classes on my website, web registration form, and the parent portal?
How do I prevent a 3 year old from enrolling in a class that is for 5 year olds? (or a boy from enrolling into a girls only class)?
How can a student specify a future start date when enrolling online?
How do waitlists affect the availability of classes?
If a class is full, how can the student get onto the waitlist online?
I want to allow online registration for new customers, but I do NOT want them to be able to enroll into class(es).
How do I limit who is able to enroll into a class based on skill or other prerequisite?
Modify Online Web Registration Form FAQ
How do I hide or edit the "How did you hear about us?" field at the top of the Registration form?
My customers don't understand what Cat1 or Cat2 means - how can I hide that?
How do I make the Parent Portal hotlink appear in the top of my Online Web Registration form?
We have multiple Locations (LOC codes) - can I force the Web Registration Form to only show classes for a particular Location? And default the Family Loc to that Loc value?
How do I hide some of the columns shown in the Reg Form Class Search page?
How do I handle special online discounts, coupons, and Promotion codes (Promos) like Groupon, Living Social, CertifiKids, etc, online?
Online Web Registration Tech Talk FAQ
My website uses "plug-ins"....
Can I use html tags in Class Name, Class Description, Event Name, etc?
Parent Portal FAQ
General Parent Portal FAQ
How do I install the Portal link into my website?
How do I add my company Logo onto the left side of the Portal Login page?
A message says the portal isn't "active" - what is wrong?
Where should I put the Portal log-in link on my website? and what should I call it?
How can I post some specific "documents" inside of the Portal?
How can I sell my Store Items in the portal?
Can the families in the Lead File use the portal?
What and where is my Org ID?
Where can I see the comments a parent makes when enrolling in the Portal?
Can families see Transaction Notes in the Parent Portal?
On the Family Misc tab, in the "Notes" box, can the text we enter here be seen by the family in their portal?
Parent Portal Password and Access FAQ
Do I have to assign all my families a portal User ID and password?
A family doesn't have or remember their password.
A family is having problems logging into their portal / OR / How can I log into a specific family's portal?
Is there a security feature to log the family out of their portal if they forget to log out?
What happens if a parent tries to log into their Portal with the wrong password multiple times?
Parent Portal Modification and Control FAQ
Can I hide some of the columns shown in the Find Classes page (list of available classes)?
Can I show student skills/levels in the Parent Portal?
How do I hide certain classes on my website, web registration form, and the parent portal?
Parent Portal Policies and Payments FAQ
My legal policies (Agreement Texts) aren't showing up inside the Portal.
How do I require all my current customers to sign/agree/re-agree to some new policies that we just added?
Can my families PAY me online?
The "Make a Payment" button is missing from our Portal's "Fees and Payments" tab. Where is it?
Can my customers pay online via Square?
Parent Portal Enrollment FAQ
Can a Drop be scheduled in the Portal?
Can a student enroll but start at a later/future date?
How can I limit who is eligible to enroll based on prerequisite or skill level?
How can I limit who is eligible to enroll based on age or gender?
Can I prevent bad-paying customers from enrolling?
If a class is full, can a student get onto the Waitlist from the Portal?
My family in Loc ABC could not enroll into a class at Loc XYZ. Why not?
How can I have waitlisters affect the availability (# of openings) in a class?
Why can't I have the system post a REGISTRATION Fee during a portal enrollment?
We get an individual confirmation for each class enrollment. Can't we just receive ONE per family?
Will the class Instructor be emailed when someone enrolls online into their class?
There is a comment field that can be required during class enrollment in the Parent Portal; where can I see what the customer entered there?
Parent Portal Tech Talk FAQ
Can I use html tags in Class Name, Class Description, Event Name, etc?
I want the Login fields to be on my own webpage instead of linking to your login page / OR / some parents get "Session Timed Out" repeatedly.
I have a CMS site and it uses plug-ins...
Class Listing Tables FAQ
General Class Listings FAQ
What and where is my Org ID?
How do I embed a Class Listing Table onto my webpage? Are they required?
What/Where are my Category Codes (Cats)?
Can I create separate grouped tables and put them each on different webpages?
How does the new registrant add Class #2 and higher when starting on the Class Listing Table(s)?
Can I see which classes will show up in a table before going through the effort to add it into my webpage?
Modifications and Control Class Listings FAQ
How do I hide certain classes on my website, web registration form, and the parent portal?
The table is showing, but the Register column is missing - where is it?
The Register column is showing, but, there are no Register links in it - where are the links?
The color of the Register links doesn't show up well.
My border looks different than the examples shown in this guide (or, I want to make it look different). How do I edit the table border style?
How do I change the order of the columns going across the top of the table?
How do I control the width of each column in the table?
How do I keep different Sessions from showing up in the same table?
How do I make tables by AGE GROUP?
How do I get the 'Waitlist' option to work in the tables?
How can waitlists be taken into account when showing the number of remaining openings?
Table Troubleshooting FAQ
Some of my classes are not showing up in the table...or....the code just isn't working....
The scripting code shows up as text on my webpage instead of displaying a table. What did I do wrong?
I think my website doesn't allow javascript (or scripting or script tags, etc) because it will not display a table.
I am linking to the class listings tables but there is some strange code displaying?
I have a Wix website and the class listings tables are not displaying correctly on mobile devices.
Class Listings Tech Talk FAQ
Can I use html tags in Class Name, Class Description, Event Name, etc?
I use a CMS editor and need a 'plug-in'.... OR.... I need an API.
Events Online FAQ
Can I use html tags in Class Name, Class Description, Event Name, etc?
What and where is my Org ID?
How do I install the Event Calendar onto my website?
My Event isn't showing up on the online calendar - why not?
How do I make each Event Type a different color on the Calendar?
How do I post a general announcement on a specific day?
There is a text box called "Additional Information" on the online Event Registration form. If a customer enters comments here, where do those comments show up ?
My Events are not showing up as an option inside our Parent Portal - why not?
How can I have a calendar showing only a specific group of Events?
My website editor is a Content Management System (CMS) that uses "plug-ins". What do I do?
I need an API (Application Programming Interface) for Events.
I need help with the Event links and codes shown here
I want the birthday child's family to register for the birthday party event but I also want the kids attending the party to have to register so I can capture their agreements to our policies...is this possible?
Transactions (Fees, Payments, Credits, and Refunds) FAQ
Linking Fees and Payments FAQ
What does 'unapplied', 'unlinked', and or 'uncategorized' mean in Jackrabbit?
What does an unlinked fee look like?
What does an unapplied payment look like?
What causes unapplied payments in Jackrabbit?
How can I correct an unapplied payment?
How can I find a family's Unapplied Credits and/or Unpaid Fees?
Is there a report that shows unlinked /uncategorized revenue?
Is there a way to 'unlink' or 'unapply' a payment from a fee?
Is there a way to 'unlink' a fee from a payment?
I linked a payment to the wrong fee. How do I fix it?
Fees FAQ
When should our organization post tuition fees?
How can I be sure I'm using the best procedure for posting fees and accepting payments?
How do I isolate specific families for specific billing frequencies?
Is it possible to create a list of families / accounts that have NOT had a specific fee posted?
How do I create a list of students that have NOT had a tuition fee posted?
How can I edit a posted class transaction if the wrong amount was entered?
How can I project income for the next month or year?
Can families see Transaction Notes in the Parent Portal?
Payments FAQ
How can I be sure I'm using the best procedure for posting fees and accepting payments?
Is it possible to create a list of families / accounts who have NOT paid specific fees, such as tuition?
Refund FAQ
I don't see the column that the R icon is supposed to be in. Why can't I see it?
I have permission to post refunds, but there is no R icon next to a payment. Why?
Why is the Refund button still available if I'm supposed to use the R icon?
Are special permissions required to void / refund a credit card directly through Jackrabbit?
How do I know the eCommerce void or refund 'went through' and ended up on the customer's credit card?
I voided / refunded a credit card in my Virtual Terminal. How can I record it in Jackrabbit?
Can I refund an eCommerce credit card transaction with a different payment method? In other words, can I refund a $50 eCommerce Visa credit card payment with a $50 check?
I noticed when a Void is handled, there is a Send Void Receipt checkbox. Who gets this email receipt?
Can I void or refund a bank draft / ACH payment through Jackrabbit?
Can I refund a Store item?
Can I void credit card payments associated with store items?
Can I return items into inventory when I'm refunding store items?
Do store reports include refund details?
Do the revenue graphs on the Executive Dashboard reflect refunds?
I processed a refund for a family but their account isn't right. What can I do?
Reports FAQ
What causes blank search results?
Can Jackrabbit memorize reports used repeatedly?
Can I sort reports by column heading?
Which reports provide tax details?
Why do I not see an Export button on the report I generated?
Why do I not see a Print button on the report I generated?
How do I stop my pop-up blocker from preventing reports from displaying?
What is a PDF file? Why won't PDF files load on my computer?
Why is the statement address incorrect for the family?
We have multiple locations and the business address is not the correct location's address on our statement / invoice.
Printed labels for mailing statements / invoices are skewing / off.
How do I show the current balance on a statement / invoice?
Why isn't there a tax column on my statement?
How do we print or email year end statements for our customers?
Is there a report that shows the families who have spent the most money with us? Our top customers?
Store FAQ
What is the difference between a Store account and a Family account?
I don’t want to use a Store Account, do I have to?
I have a Store Account, why isn’t it showing up in the Store Details in the Make a Sale screen?
How can I assign items to a specific store account? I want to sell food only through my snack bar account not my pro shop account.
Why can I sell an item even if the Quantity on Hand amount is 0 or a negative number?
How do I increase the Inventory Quantity On Hand?
Why can’t I select a class when I am Posting Fees?
How do I process a refund?
Does the store work with our website allowing us to have online sales?
Can I print receipts to a receipt printer?
Does the Store interface with a Cash Drawer?
What type of Barcode Scanner should I get?
Can I use the same barcode scanner for both attendance tracking and the store?
Where can I get preformatted barcode labels?
What kind of credit card swipe reader should I get?
Why am I getting a decline response of "Encrypted Device" when I try to use my credit card reader?
Email FAQ
Can I email a student or family their current schedule?
Can I create student schedule emails to be sent at a later time?
Can I attach a file to an email sent from within Jackrabbit?
If I send an email to a group of people, does Jackrabbit display all the email addresses in the To field?
If the same email address in more than one contact record in the same family, will they get multiple emails?
When I send an email from within Jackrabbit what is displayed in the From field?
How do I edit or add email addresses shown in the "Email Replies Sent To" and "Send Additional Emails To" selections?
Is there a report that lists families that have no email address on file?
How do I embed an image into an email sent from within Jackrabbit?
How can I send a mass email outside of Jackrabbit?
One of my families is not receiving their emails, how can I get them the information?
Can I email a class that has been archived?
Can I create a report that shows me who has opted out of mass emails?
I accidentally deleted a one of the professionally designed templates. Can I add it back?
I need to send an email to a group of people who don't match any of the search criteria in Families > Email Families. Is there a way to send a mass email to email addresses that have no 'group'?
What is email validation?
How can I see an email I sent to a family last month?
Does Jackrabbit integrate with any CRM systems?
Text Messaging FAQ
Can I send text messages if I have a trial Plivo account?
I am using the trial version of Plivo. How do I send a test text message?
Can you explain more about the consent that is required to send text messages?
Is there a way to turn off text messaging but maintain my account details?
Is there a report that tells me who has agreed to receive text messages?
Is there a limit to the number of characters I can send in a text message?
Can I send mass texts from within Jackrabbit?
Is there a limit to the number of texts I can send in one day?
Can a customer reply to my text message?
Can a customer call me at the texting number?
Can I include an attachment using DropBox?
Why don’t I see Email/Text Families under the Families menu (or the Text button for a family or the Email/Text Class button for a class or any of the Staff Texting options)?
Where do I enter credit card information in Plivo?
I don't like the phone number that Plivo assigned me. What can I do?
How will I know when I'm low or out of texting credits?
How do I set Plivo to automatically charge my credit card when I need more texting credit?
Can I use the same Plivo / Twilio account in two different Jackrabbit databases?
What is Phone Validation?
How do I set Twilio to automatically charge my credit card when I need more texting credit?
How much does text messaging cost?
Lead File FAQ
If I move a family to the Lead File does it impact my enrollment reports?
If I move a family to the Lead File does it affect my financial reports?
If a family has multiple students, can I move just one of the students to the Lead File?
How many leads can I add to my organization's Lead File?
How regularly should I move inactive families to the Lead File?
Can I mass restore families from the Lead File back to my database?
I have a Mac and can't export to Excel. What should I do?
All of our prospective clients are currently in an Excel document. How can we mass move those to the Jackrabbit Lead File?
Can a customer who is in the Lead File access the Parent Portal?
What if a family I've moved to the Lead File ends up re-registering using the web registration form?
Events FAQ
How are events different from classes in Jackrabbit?
Can I view classes and events together so I can make sure rooms aren't double-booked?
What do the different Event Status options mean?
I don't understand what a Web Reg Form Graphic URL is or how to add it?
When a new family registers via our Event Registration form, the form only asks for family information. Why aren't there fields for student information?
How can I edit the email confirmation message that is sent for online Event registrations?
What if an existing family attempts to register via the event registration form (instead of the portal). Will a duplicate family record be created?
Can I add the option for families to pay via e-check when registering for an event?
Can I email all the participants of an event?
My event is not listed on the Event Calendar!
Can I automatically add tax to Event Fees?
How can I quickly add multiple dates for an event that occurs on the same day and at the same time each week?
Why does the instructor have (Inactive) beside their name?
Why can't I make my check box event question required?
QuickBooks Integration FAQ
What report should I use to get discount and tax information to break out of my QuickBooks import?
How do I deal with taxes when exporting my data to QuickBooks?
Can I export clock data into QuickBooks Online?
Jackrabbit Subscription FAQ
How do I move from a Free Trial to a Jackrabbit subscription?
What are the terms of my subscription agreement with Jackrabbit?
How is my monthly Jackrabbit subscription fee calculated?
Who do I contact for help with my Jackrabbit subscription account?
My business is seasonal and I don't want to pay in my off months...can I put my account on hold?
Can I access my Jackrabbit data after cancellation?
Video Help
Help Articles
Reports in Jackrabbit
Clock Reports
Failed Signouts
Here Now Report
Child Attendance Report
Absences Report
Staff Attendance Report
Pickups Report - Group PINs
PIN Report